Cranleigh RFC Membership 2023/2024
We have two new Membership Secretaries at the club this coming season; Nick Hendy for the Senior section and Lyndsey Denyer for Mini & Youth. Nick has been involved at the club since he joined as a Mini, only hanging up his boots a couple of seasons ago. As well as Membership Secretary, Nick is also taking on the role of Joint Vice Chair this coming season. Lyndsey has been involved in M&Y in various roles for the past 8 years.
We’re sure it comes as no surprise when we share the news that Cranleigh RFC’s overheads have seen a significant increase over the past couple of years. Whilst we are conscious of the impact increased household costs have had on our members, we have made a small increase to the M&Y and Women’s subs to help cover the costs of these teams (including tournament/festival entry fees, physio for the Wild Cranes).
As of the 1st of September, our Social Membership with Gym Access will increase to £15.00 a month.
Despite the small increase, we still believe we offer great value for money.
We would like to thank our Vice Presidents who continue to contribute towards our great club. If you pay annually for VP membership, please contact Nick Hendy once your membership is paid at
Membership is now open on our website ( Please remember to affiliate to Cranleigh RFC on GMS ( as part of the sign up process.
Membership Benefits
Your continued support not only ensures the future of our club, it does come with benefits too!
We’ve improved the facilities at Cranleigh RFC over the last couple of years, including a new oven, renovations to our Women’s and Disabled toilets, the addition of shower curtains in both showers, a brand-new upgraded boiler system and insulation to help with running costs.
After listening to feedback from across the different sections, the Committee have added a pool table* and dart board* in the Ron Thomas lounge, and table football & table tennis in the main clubhouse. (*Age restrictions apply)
When purchasing Senior Men’s & Women’s Membership, Touch Union Membership, Vice Presidents Membership, Social Membership and Mini and Youth Membership with a Social membership, you have access to hire the club rooms at preferential rates for parties, business functions and family celebrations.
The above membership levels also give you access to the ballots for International Tickets
Rugby is a physical contact sport and player welfare is paramount, so as part of Senior Men’s and Women’s playing memberships, players are provided access to appropriate sports physiotherapy covering, selected matches and training nights. All playing members are covered under the RFU Standard Playing Insurance.
For those interested in a longer-term involvement in the development of Rugby at CRFC, the club will support members interested with subsidised coaching training courses run by the RFU. Please contact our Chairman Paul Denyer on to discuss this.
A list of our membership offerings/benefits for each type of membership and the associated cost is available on our website at
Financial Hardship
As a club, we wish to support all members, and do not wish to see the subscription costs as a barrier to joining the club and enjoying rugby. Assistance can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. If you are having difficulty managing to pay your subscriptions, please contact Nick or Lyndsey on a completely confidential basis. For M&Y, we have second-hand kit available in the clubhouse on Sunday mornings, so if you have outgrown kit please consider donating it during the season.
For All Senior Membership including Men’s, Women’s, Student, Social and Vice President enquiries, please get in touch with Nick Hendy on
For Mini and Youth Membership enquiries, please contact Lyndsey Denyer on
We’re looking forward to a great season for all.
Nick and Lyndsey
Cranleigh RFC Membership Secretaries